Te Waka o Mokomoko
In mid December 2011 a team led by the Southland Museum excavated part of a historic Maori waka (canoe) near Omaui, Southland. The waka was transported to the Southland Museum & Art Gallery to begin a six year conservation treatment to preserve the wood. In a first for New Zealand museums, te waka has been put on display in the museum to illustrate the conservation process for the public.
This project is being undertaken with the support and advice of Heritage New Zealand, Te Ao Marama, local Iwi, Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the National Conservation Laboratory (Auckland University).
108 Gala Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, PO BOX 1012 Invercargill, 9840, PH (+64) 3 219 9069 E office@southlandmuseum.co.nz
108 Gala Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, PO BOX 1012 Invercargill, 9840,
PH (+64) 3 219 9069 F (+64) 3 218 3872 E office@southlandmuseum.co.nz